Playing with Alfresco Inboxes addon
Yesterday I enjoyed and played a little bit with a quite old addon called Alfresco Inboxes for a demo, with some of the zylklab Alfresco addons. Alfresco Inboxes provides an custom Aikau page in Alfresco Share with configurable CMIS queries. I always liked solutions for having some kind of logical customized view of the repository for final users, in this case, based on custom CMIS queries. The project is compatible with Alfresco 4.2.f and 5.0.a. but I found a fork for being used with Alfresco 5.2 too. The project is thought for being customized ad-hoc, and although there is no changes in github project from some years ago (even it has a useful pull request pending), it is still very well documented so I did some test for a simple use case.
Sometime ago, I published a simple addon for using basic metadata for document status. This addon was presented in Beecon 2017, in addition of two other addons for expiration of public documents, and custom short urls in Alfresco. So I decided to customize those CMIS queries and obtaining an Alfresco Inbox page for these simple custom models:
After some Aikau customizations, hidding the default buttons in Item template, adding a custom button for linking to Share details page and some CMIS query testing, the resulting Inbox page is the following. This provides an additional solution to document library filters, custom dashlets, custom Smart folders or Search facets for our defenestrated Alfresco Share.
Some old links about zylklab modules: