A usual situation in many-content (web
and media) systems is the combination of a portal (such as Liferay
Portal) and a CMIS 1.0 container such as Alfresco
repository. That architectural aproximation consists on one hand,
of a java portal as CMS presentation tier, and on the other, a ECM
repository as its CMIS
backend. Our requirement is to render CMIS objects via Liferay portlet delegating the
workflow publication and the definition of the corresponding types and
metadata for blog, events, web documents and media assets in Alfresco
repository. So the general purpose of this portlet, is to be a content
viewer portlet of CMIS objects from an external repository.
We developed a portlet that can execute a configurable groovy
script for rendering CMIS objects. Groovy is a dynamic programming
language (like python, ruby or perl) that is used as a scripting
language within the java
The configuration
of the portlet allows to specify all required data:
CMIS Repository: Binding type(‘AtomPub’,
‘Webservices’), Authentication mode (‘None’, ‘Standard’), and url of
the CMIS repository and the username and password (if needed) -
CMIS data query: a CMIS query, limit of the number
of the results given for the defined query, and a root parent search
folder for restricting the search by path in CMIS repository. The
portlet also uses Liferay variables when the query will be executed:
‘[$LOCALE$]’, ‘[$COUNTRY$]’ and ‘[$LANGUAGE$]’ -
Groovy script: The groovy script allows to read,
process and check the resulting list of CMIS
objects (called ‘objects’) for specified query. A Liferay
variable of the class ‘ThemeDisplay‘
(called themeDisplay’) contains the information related to Liferay:
the logged user in the portal, the current community, the current
language etc. etc.
The properties of CMIS repository are set in the configuration of the portlet:
with the corresponding CMIS query:
and the groovy script to render:
The groovy script can preview the final
results, before publishing:
And finally, in a Liferay page:
This portlet is tested in LF 6.0 EE SP1 & SP2, LF 6.1.x CE,
and Alfresco 4.x EE and Nuxeo
5.6 DM CMIS repositories.