For tracking indexation in SOLR, we have the Alfresco
Administration Console, which gives us the indexation status, the
indices in disk, and an estimation of the remaining time of
transactions to be indexed. This is available in Enterprise edition in
Admin Console:
Administration Console, which gives us the indexation status, the
indices in disk, and an estimation of the remaining time of
transactions to be indexed. This is available in Enterprise edition in
Admin Console:
This information is directly taken from SOLR Summary XML Report (in
this case the url is using 8080 instead of the default secured 8843):
this case the url is using 8080 instead of the default secured 8843):
Another way for tracking or monitoring the indexation progress is
to set debug logger in of SOLR application:
to set debug logger in of SOLR application:
In SOLR, the log4j can not be extended out of WEB-INF (as in
Alfresco Share) and you should change it directly under WEB-INF
directory at:
Alfresco Share) and you should change it directly under WEB-INF
directory at:
The best part of this is that you can activate it or reload it
(without restarting the service) with this action:
(without restarting the service) with this action:
By last, you can monitor size data.dir.root for SOLR via operating
system, or via JMX (only in EE edition) with the next bean and their
corresponding variables:
system, or via JMX (only in EE edition) with the next bean and their
corresponding variables:
In jmxterm the sequence is the next one:
> jvms > open <tomcat-id> > domain Alfresco > bean Alfresco:Category=Search,Type=Configuration,id1=managed,id2=solr > get > get tracker.alfresco.approx.indexing.time.remaining > get tracker.alfresco.approx.txns.remaining > get tracker.alfresco.disk > get tracker.alfresco.lag > get tracker.alfresco.lag.duration > get tracker.alfresco.last.indexed.txn > get tracker.alfresco.memory
Finally, you must take into consideration that there is an issue
for getting this data if archive core is disabled by config in SOLR
(in < Alfresco 4.2.5).
for getting this data if archive core is disabled by config in SOLR
(in < Alfresco 4.2.5).