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Liferay portlets for searching, browsing and downloading in Nuxeo

Cesar Capillas
Cesar Capillas

Sometime ago we started to test Nuxeo REST
from python and java, for example here
and here.
Last days, Karmele, Gustavo and me developed some Liferay portlets for
searching, browsing and downloading documents from Nuxeo DM via its REST
. I put here some details and the screenshots of each portlet.

Portlet 1: Portlet, using browse restlet query for
navigating ecm content and proxy-pattern downloading from Liferay
portal. The standard browse restlet is used for navigating through
workspaces showing the corresponding documents. A proxy-pattern for
downloading is used when the Nuxeo server is not available from the
outside of your organization, and the portal is used for web layer. In
the preferences panel, you must configure the authentication data for
the Nuxeo server.

The browse portlet for Nuxeo repository:

Liferay portlets for searching, browsing and downloading in Nuxeo

Liferay portlets for searching, browsing and downloading in Nuxeo

The portlet preferences:

Liferay portlets for searching, browsing and downloading in Nuxeo

Portlet 2: Portlet for searching full content in
Nuxeo repository and downloading from Liferay portal. We customized a
Nuxeo restlet
for searching in Nuxeo repository, whose results are shown
in a paginated table when many results are obtained. The download is
performed by a servlet that consumes the corresponding urls for

Liferay portlets for searching, browsing and downloading in Nuxeo

Portlet 3: Portlet for integrating Nuxeo search
services (REST service layer) into the Liferay generic search portlet.
This feature is possible using opensearch
federated searches in Liferay
via Nuxeo REST API services (some
time ago commented
). It is also possible to download the documents found in the
Nuxeo search.

Liferay portlets for searching, browsing and downloading in Nuxeo

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