Basic maintenaince of your Alfresco logs
Today I put together some basic tips about Alfresco logs in Alfresco installations.
1. Rotate catalina.out
The Tomcat Server log file catalina.out grows and grows by
default. You can use a custom for default Tomcat
configuration, but you can easier use logrotate for catalina.out
$ sudo vim /etc/logrotate.d/alfresco /opt/alfresco/tomcat/logs/catalina.out { copytruncate daily rotate 10 missingok dateext size 50M }
If logrotate is not used by the operating system you can define
a cronjob with crontab -e for your Alfresco user (owner of java
process) with:
#IMPORTANT: As Alfresco user $ crontab -e 0 5 * * 1 /usr/sbin/logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/alfresco
2. Logs always under $TOMCAT/logs directory
It is very usual to see Alfresco logs in different
folders, between $ALF_HOME, and $ALF_HOME/tomcat/logs when installing
with the Alfresco bundle. You can change your for
alfresco.war, share.war, or solr4.war applications (and manager and
host-manager too) but the next tip is easier for keeping together in
the same place. This is valid for recent Alfresco 4 and 5:
1. Change $ALF_DATA/ script adding the next
line under INSTALLDIR variable:
cd $INSTALLDIR/tomcat/logs
2. Comment in $ALF_DATA/tomcat/scripts/ the
"cd" lines:
#cd $CATALINA_HOME/.. . . . #cd $previousdir
3. Clean logs periodically
You can use a simple crontab script for deleting old rotated logs.
#!/bin/bash # Crontab for your Alfresco user (owner of java process) # 0 5 * * 1 /opt/alfresco/bin/ ALF_HOME=/opt/alfresco LOGS_TOM=$ALF_HOME/tomcat/logs LOGS_DAYS=30 find ${LOGS_TOM}/* -mtime +${LOGS_DAYS} -name *.log* -delete 2>/dev/null
4. Disable Tomcat localhost logs (localhost_access_log*)
Sometimes it is desired to disable localhost_access_log* logs. For
this, you should comment the valve part in server.xml config
$ vim $ALF_HOME/tomcat/conf/server.xml <!-- <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve" directory="logs" prefix="localhost_access_log" suffix=".txt" pattern="%h %l %u %t "%r" %s %b" /> -->
(and restart Alfresco Service)
5. Disable manager and host-manager logs
It is usual to disable manager and host-manager under webapps
in production environment. For their preconfigured log files
edit $ALF_HOME/tomcat/conf/ using only:
handlers =
and comment all related lines regarding:
External links and helping sources: