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Visualizing Logstash pipelines in Kibana

Cesar Capillas
Cesar Capillas
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Enabling monitoring xpack in Elastic Search 7

When enabling monitoring xpack in Elastic Search and Logstash, you can enjoy the Stack Monitoring section in Kibana. This section provides a complete interface for monitoring your ELK setup including Elastic Search cluster, Logstash and Kibana.

For enabling (you need to have security xpack enabled first to define the application usersset), and then restart your components with the following config:

In logstash.yml you should set (once authentication is enabled in ES):

# X-Pack Monitoring
xpack.monitoring.enabled: true
xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.username: logstash_system
xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.password: secret
xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.hosts: ["http://localhost:9200"]

In kibana.yml

xpack.monitoring.enabled: true
xpack.monitoring.kibana.collection.enabled: true

In elasticsearch.yml

xpack.monitoring.enabled: true
xpack.monitoring.collection.enabled: true

Then we can find in the Stack Monitoring section in Kibana a compilation of metrics for Elastic Cluster, Kibana or Logstash.

Visualizing Logstash pipelines in Kibana

For example, we can inspect the basic metrics of the nodes of the cluster including the number of used indices, shards, unassigned shards, documents and/or data.

Visualizing Logstash pipelines in Kibana

In particular, the logstash monitoring part is very useful because it includes a logstash pipeline viewer which may tell you where are your bottlenecks in your data ingestion processes, how many events are you processing, lattencies and rates. Gold and Silver licenses give pass to pipeline editor for Logstash from Kibana interface. 

Visualizing Logstash pipelines in Kibana

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