Last week ZYLK INDUSTRY, part of zylk ADVANCED ANALYTICS product line, had to pitch their Industry 4.0 project to 10 Industrial companies. Do you want to watch our vídeo?
A total of 257 startups from 41 countries have applied to Bind 4.0
and 52 of them have been pre-selected by the evaluation committee.
Zylk Industry is one of them!!
Of the 52 selected startups, 23 are from the Basque Country, 6 are
from the rest of Spain and the other 23 are from other countries such
as Poland, India, Brazil, Germany or France.
Last week ZYLK INDUSTRY, part of zylk ADVANCED ANALYTICS product
line, had to pitch their Industry 4.0 project to 10 companies such as
CAF, CIE Automotive, Iberdrola, Euskaltel, Dannobat Group, Michelin,
Repsol Petronor, ITP or ABB.
In addition to the pitch, we answered questions to Petronor, Danobat
Group, ABB, or Cie Automotive. We hope to find mentoring, support
services, networking and our next contract from one of them.
INDUSTRY, please check out our video.
It will be on October 31st, when Bind will publish the list of
selected startups, which develop their projects in collaboration with
tractor companies during the following 24 weeks, until may 2017.