Deleting documents in SOLR
Just a simple tip today for deleting documents in SOLR via REST API and post command. Consider that you have a collection called gettingstarted and some document with id 44C
Open IT Experts for Enterprise
Just a simple tip today for deleting documents in SOLR via REST API and post command. Consider that you have a collection called gettingstarted and some document with id 44C
Schemaless config set in SOLR In SOLR 6.6 the data_driven_scheme_configs configset is able to implement the features of the so-named Schemaless mode. This mode is a set of features that allow users to construct an effective schema by simply indexing sample data, without having to manually edit the schema. In the following examples, I’m using …
Using python API for SOLR In SOLR, you may find different client APIs for your favourite programming language such as Java, Python, Ruby, Perl or Javascript. Basically, client apps can reach Solr by creating HTTP requests and parsing the corresponding HTTP responses, encapsulating much of the work of sending requests and parsing responses, and making …
Recommended search in SOLR One of the nice features of SOLR is the ability for doing promoted or recommended searches. With this feature, you can basically use a kind of query (elevation query), that is able to elevate static searches configured by id. Use case example: Imagine that you have a popular Alfresco blog in …
Using the editorial marker field in SOLR elevation component Leer más »
Using SOLR API from the command line Last days I’ve been involved in an enterprise search project based on Apache Nutch and Apache SOLR projects. As you probably know, SOLR is a powerful enterprise search and index engine with a powerful REST API, which exposes its features as query, index, delete, commit and optimize, and …
Monitoring Alfresco access logs In last Alfresco Devcon, I presented some basic configuration for Alfresco monitoring with Elastic stack (ELK). A very nice automated setup for testing this configuration in ELK 6.1 is via the docker compose setup given in this github project: $ git clone $ cd docker-elk This is an opportunity of …
Analyzing Tomcat log access data with Docker ELK resources Leer más »
Whole Lotta Apache Apache Zeppelin is an open web-based notebok that enables interactive data analytics, from data ingestion, data exploration, reporting and visualizations, until sharing or collaboration features. Interactive browser-based notebooks enable to be more productive by developing, organizing, executing, and sharing data code and visualizing results without referring to the command line. It supports …
Some thoughts about Alfresco Devcon 2018 Back to Bilbao from Alfresco Devcon 2018. Many years participating in Alfresco events, connecting with old friends, collaborating with Alfresco Community and learning the new dominating technologies surrounding Alfresco for the upcoming years such Docker, Kubernetes, ADF, AWS or microservices. What to say… I enjoyed a lot with many …
Using an Apache stack for indexing your logs and metrics In the previous posts I talked about ELK stack for monitoring Alfresco. But another possibility for loading metrics or logs information, extracted by logstash, is a SOLR index server (instead of Elastic Search), which is part of Alfresco architecture by default, and in principle, it would seem more natural …
More on monitoring dashboards for Alfresco using SOLR, Banana and Apache Zeppelin Leer más »
Monitoring Alfresco CE with ELK stack Some weeks ago I wrote a post about how to set up a basic Kibana dashboard representing System Performance and Active Sessions in Alfresco Enterprise via JMX metrics from a logstash JMX input. As you probably know, no such Alfresco JMX objects are available in Alfresco Community, such as active …
Kibana dashboard for monitoring Alfresco Community via OOTB Support Tools Leer más »
Last week, it was published the Alfresco Devcon 2018 conference program, that will celebrate in Lisbon next January. Many Alfresco experts of the community, customers, partners, and employees will participate on this fantastic event, around Alfresco related technologies.
Some days ago I wrote a post about how to set up a basic Kibana dashboard in Alfresco Enterprise with JMX metrics, from a logstash JMX input. Today I’m gonna add some simple configuration for creating a dashboard for Alfresco logs. The architecture for ELK is the same of the previous post, with logstash running in your Alfresco instance and a dedicated Elastic Search and Kibana server.
Today I compile several tips about enabling and getting JMX information in Alfresco ECM.
Monitoring Alfresco EE with ELK stack This weekend I read in Elastic blog that Mr. Robot uses Kibana for monitoring the Dark Army, so I decided to write a post about a recent monitoring project for representing some basic (but interesting) Alfresco JMX metrics in a clustered environment, in which I was involved last week. As …
Kibana dashboard for monitoring Alfresco JMX metrics Leer más »
I publish today a compilation of some useful recipes for Alfresco Javascript Console. Most of them are taken for blog posts, recipes and gists from Alfresco Community people
Dockerfile for Alfresco monitoring Recently, I started to play with Docker and Vagrant. Many docker images are available in Alfresco Community projects, and recently Alfresco published a very interesting Vagrant Sandbox for the complete platform. My first Docker image is now published on github for a basic setup of Nagios/Icinga for Alfresco (Community and Enterprise). The Dockerfile is …
Docker image for Nagios setup for Alfresco Community Leer más »
Using OOTB Support Tools addon for monitoring Alfresco Today I publish a basic Nagios setup for monitoring Alfresco Community with the help of OOTB Support Tools addon, including recent commands about SOLR indices. Other links:
This week I’m training a group in Alfresco Administration. I write some of the recipes used and commented in the training course
Once you set up your LDAP or LDAP-AD synchronization properties, you may execute an LDAP sync in several ways: 1) Via configuration properties 2) Via OOTB Support Tools 3) Via Javascript Console 4) In Alfresco Administration Console 5) Via JMX Console
Today, I post the links of the lighting talks presented at Beecon 2017, the Alfresco Developer Conference.
In many situations, when developing or migrating Alfresco, you need information and details about a bootstrap content model in your Alfresco installation. How to get this info without having access to the installation or deployed AMP or JAR packages ? Let’s give some possibilities.
SOLR Tracking for OOTB Support Tools Some customers told me that last week I was a little bit eventually consistent, and this post is somehow related. I was at the Beecon 2017 in Zaragoza, the Alfresco Developer Conference, time to re-connect, re-charge, and re-commit with Alfresco Community. The event was really amazing (congrats to the organizers and …
Today I put together some basic tips about Alfresco logs in Alfresco installations. 1) Rotate catalina.out 2) Logs always under $TOMCAT/logs directory 3) Clean logs periodically 4) Disable Tomcat localhost logs 5) Disable manager and host-manager logs
Next week we will participate in Alfresco Developer Conference (Beecon 2017), presenting two lighting talks: 1) Javascript API based developments for improving your Alfresco experience & 2) Sinadura ECM: Protocol-based signatures for Alfresco
Alfresco monitoring for Nagios via NRPE protocol Last day we talked about monitoring Alfresco in Nagios via OOTB support tools addon using curl commands directly to the main webscripts, and parsing the obtained JSON information. Although this direct monitoring may be valid in many situations (if services available from monitoring server, if https..), other possibility is to run curl …
More on Monitoring Alfresco in Nagios via OOTB support tools Leer más »